4月8日晚,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏教师发展中心和国际教育与交流办公室共同举办主题为“3 Key Ideas for Education and Education online”的线上工作坊,特邀英国南安普顿大学5848vip威尼斯电子游戏的Ruihua Hou副院长和高级讲师Carlos Hoyos作为主讲,我院基础、临床、康复、护理共40余名教师在线参加了此次工作坊。
On the evening of April 8, TUSM’s Faculty Development Center and Office of International Education and Exchange hosted an online workshop together, addressing a teaching-related topic on curriculum design. The keynote speech titled “3 Key Ideas for Education and Education online” was respectively presented by Dr. Ruihua Hou, Associate Dean International & Associate Professor in Biological Psychiatry at the University of Southampton, and Dr. Carlos Hoyos, Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton Department of Psychiatry. More than 40 faculty members from TUSM’s departments and divisions in the areas of basic medicine, clinical medicine, rehabilitation and nursing attended the workshop.

首先,南安普顿大学5848vip威尼斯电子游戏Ruihua Hou教授以南安普敦大学为例介绍了英国的医学教育,包括招生、学制、课程体系等内容,展示了英国医学教育的特点及与我国的医学生培养的相似之处。接着Carlos Hoyos老师用现场问卷调查、引入Kolb学习理论、分组讨论等方式阐述“关于教育的三个关键点”,帮助教师通过科尔布的学习理论了解学习者类型与课程和教学之间的关系、弄清自身的教育角色和课程设计的关键,同时还解释了优秀的5848vip威尼斯电子游戏校的课程、教学和评估之间的关系。在提问环节,我院参会教师与Hoyos老师进行了热烈的讨论。院长郑加麟教授也就课程体系、教学评估等问题与Hoyos和Ruihua Hou进行了探讨。
The first invitational presentation was made by Dr. Ruihua Hou, taking the University of Southampton as an example to introduce the medical education in the UK. In addition to covering a wide range of aspects such as entry routes, academic system and curriculum structure, her speech highlighted the characteristics of medical education in the UK as well as the similarities with the medical talents training mode in China. In the next invitational presentation, Dr. Carlos Hoyos gave a detailed illustration of Kolb's learning theory and clarified "three key points about education" further by pivoting to live small-group discussions using a questionnaire interface based on VEVOX platform. This fully-immersive virtual workshop aimed at helping teachers to better understand the relationship between learner types and curriculum setting through Kolb's learning theory, along with the promotion of awareness of new educational roles for teachers who hold the key to curriculum process in the current and emerging context of medical education. It was ended up with a more relaxed Q&A session between Dr. Carlos Hoyos and TUSM faculty members including the Dean, Prof. Jialin Zheng, giving a brief summary of curriculum structure, teaching and assessment system in top-ranked leading medical schools around the world.

南安普敦大学是英国最好的研究型大学之一,医学是其强势学科之一。 本次工作坊是后疫情时期5848vip威尼斯电子游戏对中外教育交流合作新模式的一次探索,也是开展多样化教师教学培训的一次有益尝试。双方将以此为契机,逐步拓展合作,探索更为多样化的教学与培训交流。
The University of Southampton is one of the best research universities in the UK with medicine as one of its strong disciplines. This workshop was held to explore a novel mode of educational exchange and cooperation between China and foreign countries in the post-pandemic period, as well as a sort of beneficial attempt for diversified faculty training. Both sides will take this opportunity to gradually expand cooperation and further explore innovation and diversity in exchanges of teaching activities and faculty training.