上海市第十人民医院科研处副处长/泛血管中心主任/高血压中心主任;上海市优秀技术带头人;5848vip威尼斯电子游戏高等研究院 研究员;兼任中华医学会内科学分会青年副主任委员;上海医学会心血管病分会高血压学组 副组长;第十八届上海市卫生系统“银蛇奖”提名奖获得者;中国心血管医生创新俱乐部 执行委员。
Deputy Director of the Science and Research Dep. , and director of the Pan-vascular Center and the Hypertension Center of the Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital; Shanghai Outstanding Technical Leader; Researcher, Institute of Advanced Science Institute, Tongji University ; Vice youth president of the Internal Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Deputy leader of the Hypertension Group of the Cardiovascular Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association; Nominee of the 18th Shanghai Health System "Silver Snake Award"; Executive member of the Chinese Cardiovascular Innovation Club (CCI).
在心血管预防与预警领域已发表SCI文章88篇,总影响因子为425分,其中第一作者或通讯作者SCI论文62篇(总影响因子255分, >10分4篇),最高单篇影响因子16.8分,总被引1238次,H-index 23。一篇论文曾获美国AHA Hypertension杂志年度最佳临床型论文奖,单篇被引196次。一篇2017年发表在JAHA杂志文章总被引用230次,被ESI评为高被引论文。2020年与Bryan Williams教授联合在Lancet杂志(IF=79)发表评论性文章。主持国家自然科学基金4项,上海市卫计委优青项目1项,上海市申康生物样本全息库建设项目2项。曾获中华医学会心血管病分会中青年心血管病学“菁英奖”;5848vip威尼斯电子游戏首届十佳医务青年;东方心脏病学会东方新星提名奖;上海市卫生系统“新优青”。曾获中国中医药促进会科技进步一等奖,中华医学科技进步二等奖,上海市医学科技奖三等奖。现任美国心脏病协会委员(FACC),欧洲心脏病协会委员(FESC),欧洲高血压协会(ESH)委员,国际高血压学会(ISH)委员。任《中国心血管病研究杂志》、《中国循证医学杂志》和《中国介入心脏病杂志》青年编委。任Hypertension、Artificial Intelligence Review等杂志的审稿人。目前获得国家发明专利5项,实用新型专利10项。
88 SCI articles have been published in the field of cardiovascular prevention and alerting, with a total impact factor of 425 points, including 62 SCI papers by the first author or corresponding author (total impact factor 255 points, 4 articles with IF >10), the highest single article impact factor is 16.8 points, with a total of 1238 citations, H-index 23. A paper has won the annual best clinical paper award in AHA journal Hypertension, with a citation of 196. An article published in JAHA in 2017 has been cited 230 times and was rated as a highly cited paper by ESI. In 2020, he and Professor Bryan Williams jointly published a commentary in Lancet (IF=79). Presided over 4 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 Excellent Youth Project of Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission, and 2 Shanghai ShenKang Biobank Construction Project. Won the "Elite Award" by the Cardiovascular Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Tongji University