1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,肿瘤细胞和T淋巴细胞双重靶向的功能化外泌体激活前列腺癌特异性免疫研究,2019-01至2021-12
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于焦亡诱导-表观遗传调控的仿生微泡肿瘤疫苗新策略及增效转移性黑色素瘤免疫疗法研究,2022-01至2025-12
3. 东方英才计划青年项目,基于免疫杀伤-表观遗传调控的肿瘤全抗原反应型仿生微泡抗黑色素瘤作用研究,2024-01至2026-12,
4. 上海市科学技术委员会,22S21902700,医疗机构制剂红花平疣颗粒治疗扁平疣的新药临床前研究,2022-04至2025-03
5. 上海市卫生健康委员会,新型碘代BDP光敏剂治疗甲真菌病的有效性和安全性研究,2023-01至2025-12
6. 5848vip威尼斯电子游戏自主原创基础研究项目,靶向cDC1的衰老黑色素瘤仿生囊泡疫苗多层次抗肿瘤免疫作用机制研究,2024-04至2026-03
7. 上海市皮肤病医院优秀学科骨干项目,NK细胞仿生微泡诱导cDC-NK交互作用机制及增效黑色素瘤免疫疗法研究,2022-01至2024-12
8. 上海市皮肤病医院临床研究培育项目,复方银花利湿颗粒治疗慢性湿疹的临床研究,2022-01至2024-12
近年来在J Control Release、Chem Eng J、Mater Today Bio、J Adv Res等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,其中第一和通讯作者36篇(包含共同),申请国家发明专利30项(已授权11项)。
1. Zhang X, Bao L, Yu Z, Miao F, Li L, Cui Z, Pan H, Qian Z, Zhang T, Zhao Y, Tai Z*, Zhu Q*, Chen Z*. Nanoengineered M1 macrophages enhance photodynamic therapy of melanoma through oxygen production and subsequent antitumor immunity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 487: 150153.(IF 13.3共同通讯作者)
2. Zhang X, Huang J, Zhao J, Li L, Miao F, Zhang T, Chen Z, Zhou X*, Tai Z*, Zhu Q*. Exosome-mimetic vesicles derived from fibroblasts carrying matrine for wound healing. Burns & Trauma, 2024, 12: 015.(IF 6.3共同通讯作者)
3. Zhang T#, Tai Z#, Miao F, Zhang X, Li J, Zhu Q, Wei H, Chen Z. Adoptive cell therapy for solid tumors beyond CAR-T: Current challenges and emerging therapeutic advances. Journal of Controlled Release, 2024, 368: 372-396.(IF 10.5共同第一作者)
4. Xu H#, Zheng Q#, Tai Z#, Jiang W, Xie S, Luo Y, Fei X, Luo Y, Ma X, Kuai L, Zhang Y, Wang R, Li B, Zhu Q, Song J. Formononetin attenuates psoriasiform inflammation by regulating interferon signaling pathway. Phytomedicine, 2024, 128: 155412.(IF 6.7共同第一作者)
5. Wu J, Li L, Zhu Q, Zhang T, Miao F, Cui Z, Dong G*, Tai Z*, Chen Z*. JAK1/JAK2 degraders based on PROTAC for topical treatment of atopic dermatitis. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 171, 2024, 116167.(IF 6.9共同通讯作者)
6. Wu J, Li L, Zhang T, Lu J, Tai Z*, Zhu Q*, Chen Z*. The epidermal lipid-microbiome loop and immunity: Important players in atopic dermatitis. Journal of Advanced Research, 2024.(IF 11.4共同通讯作者)
7. Wang J, Ma J, Xie F, Miao F, Lv L, Huang Y, Zhang X, Yu J, Tai Z*, Zhu Q*, Bao L*. Immunogenic cell death-based cancer vaccines: promising prospect in cancer therapy. Frontiers in Immunology, 2024, 15: 1389173.(IF 5.7共同通讯作者)
8. Ma J#, Tai Z#, Li Y, Li Y, Wang J, Zhou T, Shen M, Xin R, Shen C, Zhu Q, Chen Z. Dissolving Microneedle-Based Cascade-Activation Nanoplatform for Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy of Skin Cancer. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2024, 19: 2057-2070.(IF 6.6共同第一作者)
9. Liu J, Lu J, Wu L, Zhang T, Wu J, Li L, Tai Z*, Chen Z*, Zhu Q*. Targeting tumor-associated macrophages: Novel insights into immunotherapy of skin cancer. Journal of Advanced Research, 2024.(IF 11.4共同通讯作者)
10. Li L, Wu X, Wu J, Zhang X, Miao F, Wang J, Lu J, Liu J, Chen Z*, Tai Z*, Zhu Q*. Transdermal delivery of Fn14 siRNA using a novel composite ionic liquid for treatment of psoriasis-like skin lesions. Journal of Controlled Release, 2024, 365: 818-832.(IF 10.5共同通讯作者)
11. Han T, Tang H, Lin C, Yan D, Zhou Z, Yang Y, Cai L, Zhu J, Gao B, Si Y, Fu W, Tai Z*, Tang X*, Guo D*. Costunolide mitigates inflammation and promotes extracellualr matrix integrity of thoracic aortic dissection by inhibiting NF-κB signaling. International Immunopharmacology, 2024, 131: 111784.(IF 4.8共同通讯作者)
12. Wang J#, Ma J#, Tai Z#, Li L, Zhang T, Cheng T, Yu J, Zhu Q, Bao L, Chen Z. Nanocarrier-Mediated Immunogenic Cell Death for Melanoma Treatment. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2023, 18: 7149-7172.(IF 6.6共同第一作者)
13. Song Z, Tu D, Tang G, Liu N, Tai Z*, Yang J*, Wang Y*. Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation are underestimated, but fatal adverse events in chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. Haematologica, 108, 2023, 2067-2079.(IF 8.2共同通讯作者)
14. Lu J#, Tai Z#, Wu J, Li L, Zhang T, Liu J, Zhu Q, Chen Z. Nanomedicine-induced programmed cell death enhances tumor immunotherapy. Journal of Advanced Research, 2023.(IF 11.4共同第一作者)
15. Li Y#, Tai Z#, Ma J, Miao F, Xin R, Shen C, Shen M, Zhu Q, Chen Z. Lycorine transfersomes modified with cell-penetrating peptides for topical treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2023, 21: 139.(IF 10.6共同第一作者)
16. Li L, Lu J, Liu J, Wu J, Zhang X, Meng Y, Wu X, Tai Z*, Zhu Q*, Chen Z*. Immune cells in the epithelial immune microenvironment of psoriasis: emerging therapeutic targets. Frontiers in Immunology, 2023, 14: 1340677.(IF 5.7共同通讯作者)
17. Han Z, Gong C, Li J, Guo H, Chen X, Jin Y, Gao S*, Tai Z*. Immunologically modified enzyme-responsive micelles regulate the tumor microenvironment for cancer immunotherapy. Materials Today Bio, 2022, 13: 100170.(IF 8.7共同通讯作者)