综合神经环路、胞内分子通路、蛋白结构和电生理功能等关键技术,旨在系统性地揭示离子转运体(如ClC-6, ClC-7)、离子通道(如TREK1钾通道)及离子通道型神经递质受体(如NMDAR及GABAAR)调控大脑神经元活动的作用机理。以全麻药(如氯胺酮、七氟烷等)为探针分子,结合疾病小鼠模型,开发精神类疾病(特别是围产期精神障碍)治疗新靶点和治疗新策略。以第一或通讯作者身份在Cell, Science Advances, Protein&Cell等学术期刊发表SCI论文11篇;主持国家级项目3项,上海市级项目2项,中央高校级项目2项;获得专利3项。曾获得中国科学院院长优秀奖,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏优秀出站博士后,中-以神经科学会议(SIISN)“Excellent Poster Award”,上海医学科技奖成果推广奖(第四完成人),上海科技进步奖二等奖(第四完成人)等荣誉。担任中国神经科学学会麻醉与脑功能分会青年委员,Brain Science杂志Guest Editor (Synaptic plasticity), Neuroendocrinology, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience等杂志审稿人。
By combining with critical technologies such as neural circuit, intracellular signaling pathway, protein structure and electrophysiological function, we aim to systematically reveal the mechanisms by which transporters (such as ClC-6 and ClC-7), ion channels (such as TREK1 potassium channel), and key ionotropic neurotransmitter receptors (such as NMDAR and GABAAR) regulate brain neuronal activity. By using general anesthetics (such as ketamine and sevoflurane, etc.) as probe molecule, and combining with disease mouse models, we make efforts to develop new targets and strategies for the treatment of mental disorders, especially for perinatal mental disorders. As first or corresponding author, Prof. Zhang has published 9 SCI papers on international academic journals, such as Cell, Science Advances, Protein&Cell, etc. He has hosted 3 state-level, 2 local-level and 1 central university-level projects. He has obtained three patents. He was awarded the Excellence Award by the President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the excellent outbound postdoctoral of Tongji University, the "Excellent Poster Award" at the China Israel Neuroscience Conference (SIISN), the Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award Achievement Promotion Award (the fourth author), the Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award Second Prize (the fourth author). He serves as a young member of the Anesthesia and Brain Function Branch of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, a Guest Editor for Brain Science (Synaptic plasticity), a reviewer for Neuroendocrinology, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience etc.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82271582,七氟烷靶向中间神经元NMDA受体亚基发挥快速抗抑郁作用的机制研究,2023.01-2026.12,52万,在研,主持
2. 上海市2023年度“科技创新行动计划”生物医药科技支撑专项项目(药物新靶点研究),23S11900600, 靶向TREK1的快速抗抑郁机制及小分子药物开发,2023.04-2026.03,25万,在研,主持
3. 母胎重点实验室开放课题,mfmkf202205, 突触外δ-GABAA受体介导产后抑郁发生的神经微环路机制研究,2023.01-2025.12,5万,在研,主持(第二负责人)
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(自主原创项目),22120240332,突触外δ-GABAAR介导产后抑郁发生的分子机制及预测标记物研究,2024.04-2026.03,12万,在研,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81901376,基于皮质边缘多巴胺能突触传递探讨催产素抗抑郁的作用机制,2020.01-2022.12,20.5万,已结题,主持
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,22120180534,前额叶神经微环路稳态调节与氯胺酮快速抗抑郁机制的研究,2018.10-2019.09,20万,已结题,主持
7. 中国博士后基金,2017M621535,前额叶PV神经元功能调节在产后抑郁症中的作用及机制,2017.06-2019.05,5万,已结题,主持
1.Bing Zhang(#), Sensen Zhang(#), Maya M. Polovitskaya(#), Jingbo Yi(#), Binglu Ye(#), Ruochong Li, Xueyin Huang, Jian Yin, Sebastian Neuens, Tom Balfroid, Julie Soblet, Daphné Vens, Alec Aeby, Xiaoling Li, Jinjin Cai, Yingcai Song, Yuanxi Li, Marco Tartaglia(*), Yang Li(*), Thomas J. Jentsch(*), Maojun Yang(*) and Zhiqiang Liu(*). Molecular basis of ClC-6 function and its impairment in human disease. Science Advances, 9: eadg4479 (2023).
2.Zhang Sensen (#), Liu Yang (#), Zhang Bing(#), Zhou Jun(#), Li Tianyu, Liu Zhiqiang(*),Li Yang(*) and Yang Maojun(*). Molecular insights into the human CLC-7/Ostm1 transporter. Science Advances, 6(33), eabb4747. (2020)
3.Wang Qiao-Chu(#), Zheng Qiaoxia(#), Tan Haiyan(#), Zhang Bing(#), Li Xiaoling(#), Yang Yuxiu, Yu Jie, Liu Yang, Chai Hao, Wang Xi, Sun Zhongshuai, Wang Jiu-Qiang, Zhu Shu, Wang Fengli, Yang Maojun, Guo Caixia, Wang Heng, Zheng Qingyin, Li Yang, Chen Quan, Zhou Aimin(*) and Tang Tie-Shan(*). TMCO1 Is an ER Ca (2+) Load-Activated Ca(2+) Channel. Cell, 165(6):1454-1466. (2016)
4.Yu Jie(#), Zhang Bing(#), Zhang Yixiao(#), Xu Cong-qiao, Zhuo Wei, Ge Jingpeng, Li Jun, Gao Ning(*), Li Yang(*) and Yang Maojun(*). A binding-block ion selective mechanism revealed by a Na/K selective channel, Protein & Cell, 9(7):629-639. (2018)
5.Fei Guo(#), Bing Zhang(#)(*), Fuyi Shen(#), Qian Li, Yingcai Song, Tianyu Li, Yongmei Zhang, Weijia Du, Yuanxi Li, Wei Liu, Hang Cao, Xianjin Zhou, Yang Li (*) and Zhiqiang Liu (*). Sevoflurane acts as an antidepressant by suppression of GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors on interneurons. British Journal of Pharmacology (2024, Online).
6.Zhang Bing(#), Yang Xili (#), Ye Luyu, Liu Rui, Ye Binglu, Du Weijia, Shen Fuyi, Li Qian, Guo Fan, Liu Jinqi, Guo Fei, Li Yang(*), Xu Zhendong(*) and Liu Zhiqiang(*). Ketamine Activated Glutamatergic Neurotransmission by GABAergic Disinhibition in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex. Neuropharmacology, 108382, doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2020.108382. (2020)
7. Zhang Bing(#), Guo Fei(#), Ma Yuqin, Song Yingcai, Lin Rong, Shen Fu-Yi, Jin Guo-Zhang(*), Li Yang(*) & Liu Zhi-Qiang (*) Activation of D1R/PKA/mTOR signaling cascade in medial prefrontal cortex underlying the antidepressant effects of l-SPD. Sci Rep-Uk, 7(1): 3809. (2017)
8.Guo Fei(#), Zhang Bing(#), Fu Zhiwen, Ma Yuqin, Gao Yu, Shen Fuyi, Huang Chenggang(*) and Li Yang(*). The rapid antidepressant and anxiolytic-like effects of YY-21 involve enhancement of excitatory synaptic transmission via activation of mTOR signaling in the mPFC. European neuropsychopharmacology: the journal of the European College of, Neuropsychopharmacology, 26(7):1087-1098. (2016)
9.Song Yingcai (#), Zhang Bing (#), Guo Fei (#), Yang Maojun, Li Yang, and Liu Zhiqiang. Identification of Intracellular beta-Barrel Residues Involved in Ion Selectivity in the Mechanosensitive Channel of Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, doi:ARTN 83210.3389/fphys.2017.00832. (2017)
10.Li Qian(#), Zhang Bing (#)(*), Cao Hang (#), Liu Wei, Guo Fei, Shen Fuyi, Ye Binglu, Liu Huan, Li Yang(*), Liu Zhiqiang(*). Oxytocin Exerts Antidepressant-like effect by potentiating dopaminergic synaptic transmission in the mPFC, Neuropharmacology, 162(107836). (2019)
11.Liu Wei (#), Li Qian(#), Ye Binglu(#), Cao Hang, Shen Fuyi, Xu Zhendong, Du Weijia, Guo Fei, Liu Jinqi, Li Tianyu, Zhang Bing(*) and Liu Zhiqiang (*). Repeated nitrous oxide exposure exerts antidepressant-like effects through neuronal nitric oxide synthase activation in the medial prefrontal cortex. Front Psychiatry, 11, 837. (2020)