Assistant head nurse,operating room, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Health Hospital
Lecturer of Tongji University
近5年,主持院级课题2项,参与其他院级课题1项。以第一作者和通讯作者发表核心期刊论文12篇,其中SCI论文2篇。获2023年度 5848vip威尼斯电子游戏护理系“青年教师英文讲课比赛”三等奖,获2023年度上海市第一妇婴保健院“十佳护士”称号。
In the past 5 years, I presided over 2 university-level projects and participated in 1 other projects. I published 12 core journal papers as the first author and corresponding author, including 2 SCI papers. I won the third prize of "Young Teachers English Lecture Competition" in the Nursing Department of Tongji University Medical School in 2023, and won the title of "Top Ten Nurses" in Shanghai First Maternal and Infant Health Hospital in 2023.