高等护理教育(higher nursing education)老年护理(geriatric nursing care)
1. 中国康复医学会健康管理专委会 副主任委员2. 上海市康复医学会康复护理分委会 副主任委员3. 中国心理学会心理护理分委会 常务理事4.上海护理学会教育专委会 理事
研究方向为高等护理教育、老年护理。先后承担局级及以上课题基金15项,经费总额约250余万元,发表论文150余篇,主编出版教材与专著7部,获得国家级教学成果二等奖等省部级以上教学科研成果5项。Her research focused on higher nursing education and geriatric nursing care. She managed 15 grants sponsored by Chinese government and the total funding was more than 2.5 million Yuan. She published more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and 7 books. She had received 5 education/ research achievement awards. The top award was Second Prize of National Teaching Achievement Award.