1.Genetic and epigenetic investigations ofneurological diseases (such as neurodegenerative diseases): use Wholegenome sequencing, whole exome sequencing, DNA methylation chip, singlecell sequencing and bioinformatics to discover novel disease-causinggenetic mutations; and to understand their molecular mechanisms.
2.The improvement and development of novel gene therapyor immune therapy methods
3.Thestrategies of big biomedical data mining and drug development
2004-2009 上海交通大学Bio-X研究院(Shanghai Jiaotong University, Bio-X Institute), 博士(Ph.D)
2010-2012 加拿大拉瓦尔大学(Laval University), 博士后 (Postdoc)
2012-2018 加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto),博士后和副研究员(Postdoc and Research Associate)
2018-至今 5848vip威尼斯电子游戏(Tongji University, School of Medicine),研究员(Professor), 博士生导师 (Supervisor of PhD students)
在神经退行性疾病(肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS),额颞痴呆,阿尔兹海默症和帕金森症)的遗传学和表观遗传学领域取得了一些成绩,揭示了基因编码区单核苷酸突变和非编码区重复突变影响DNA甲基化修饰、基因表达、蛋白质异常和神经退行性疾病表型的分子机制。至今发表或接收SCI论文44篇(第一或通讯作者论文22篇),影响因子累计约255,被引用超过1150次(Google scholar)。近5年发表第一或通讯作者(含共同)论文16篇,包括Acta Neuropathol (2篇, IF=18.2) , Brain (3篇,其中一篇为共同通讯, IF=11.8) , Am J HumGenet (IF=9.9),MovementDisorders(IF=8.1),Neurology(IF=8.7)和JNNP(IF=8.3)等杂志。参与一项加拿大神经退行与衰老协会课题。担任Movement Disorders, Neurobiology ofAging, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease等杂志审稿人,Alzheimer Society UK特邀评审。
The research interest ofthe Principal Investigator is focused on the genetic and epigeneticinvestigations of neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. ALS, FTD, Alzheimer’sdisease and Parkinson’s disease). Several previous work have revealed themolecular mechanisms of how disease-causing SNVs and repeat expansions modulateDNA methylation, gene and protein expression, as well as disease phenotypes. Dr.Zhang has contributed to 44 SCI papers (including 22 first authorship orcorresponding authorship papers) with a total IF of ~255, which have been citedby >1150 times according to Google scholar in 2019 August. In the recent 5years, Dr. Zhang has published 16 first-authorship/corresponding authorshippapers, including two in Acta Neuropathol (IF=18.2), three in Brain (IF=11.8), andothers in Am J Hum Genet (IF=9.9), Movement Disorders (IF=8.1), Neurology(IF=8.7) and JNNP(IF=8.3). Dr. Zhang was a major collaborator of a CCNA (TheCanadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging) research grant from 2016 to2019; and has served as an invited reviewer for several academic journals (suchas Movement Disorders, Neurobiology of Aging and Journal of Alzheimer’sDisease), as well as Alzheimer Society UK.
代表性论文 (Selected publications):
(*并列第一作者;#通讯作者)(* co-first authorship; # corresponding authorship )
1. Zhang M*, et al. “Genetic and epigenetic studyof an Alzheimer’s Disease family with monozygotic triplets”, Brain, 2019. Inpress
2. Zhang M#, et al. “A C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus isassociated with age of onset in C9orf72 carriers”, Brain. 2018. Oct1;141(10):2895-2907.
3. Zhang M, et al. “DNA methylation age-acceleration isassociated with disease duration and age at onset in C9orf72 patients”, Acta Neuropathol.2017 Aug;134(2):271-279.
4. Philip McGoldrick*, Ming Zhang*, et al., “Unaffectedmosaic C9orf72 case: RNA foci, dipeptide proteins but upregulated C9orf72expression”, Neurology, 2017 Oct.
5. Zhang M*, Xi Z*, et al. “Mutation analysis of CHCHD10 indifferent neurodegenerative diseases”, Brain e1-e4, March 31, 2015.
6. Xi Z*, Zhang M*, et al. “The C9orf72 repeat expansionitself is methylated in ALS and FTLD patients” Acta Neuropathol. 2015May;129(5):715-27.
7. Xi Z*, van Blitterswijk M*, Zhang M*, et al. “Jump frompre-mutation to pathologic expansion in C9orf72” Am J Hum Genet 2015 Jun4;96(6):962-70.
8. Zhang M*#, Xi Z*, et al., Mutation analysis of CHCHD2 inCanadian patients with familial Parkinson