“Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences”杂志,副主编;
“Frontiers in Pharmacology”杂志,客座教授;
“Drug Development and Target Discovery in Pulmonary Vascular Disease”杂志,责任编辑;
“Global Journal of Respiratory Care”杂志,编委;
Chinese Society of Microcirculation, Director;
Member of the Pulmonary Vascular Disease Group of the 12th Committee of the Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Member;
Pulmonary Vascular Disease Group of the Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, Member;
the "Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences", Associate Editor;
the "Frontiers in Pharmacology", Guest Professor;
the "Drug Development and Target Discovery in Pulmonary Vascular Disease", sponsible Editor
张锐,医学博士,上海市肺科医院肺循环科副研究员,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏高等研究院研究员,硕、博士研究生导师,上海市浦江人才。中国微循环学会,理事;中华医学会心血管病分会肺血管病学组,委员;上海市医学会心血管病学分会肺血管病学组,委员。一直从事肺动脉高压的临床与基础研究。努力创新,注重临床应用和基础实验探索相结合,已经对PAH的发病机制及治疗进行了一系列临床及基础研究。作为负责人主持的项目包括:国家自然基金专项项目、国家自然基金面上项目、国家自然科学青年基金、上海市科委“一带一路”国际合作项目、上海市自然科学基金面上项目,上海市卫健委面上项目、5848vip威尼斯电子游戏优秀人才培养计划、上海市肺科医院青年骨干项目等多项科研课题。主要参与包括973子课题、重大国际合作项目以及国家重点攻关项目等多项纵向研究课题。参与课题获得中华医学会科技进步奖一等奖、北京市科技进步一等奖、上海科技进步三等奖和上海药学科技三等奖。个人获得美国胸科协会颁发的“国际发展者研究奖”以及“最佳摘要奖”等。发表国际学术期刊SCI论文近60余篇,包括European Respiratory Journal、Radiology、Hypertension、CHEST、Cardiovascular Research、Heart等主流杂志,平均影响因子7.2分,单篇最高影响因子24.3分,配发述评4篇。发表国际会议摘要(主要为美国胸科学会年会,ATS)20篇,特邀国际会议发言5次。授权国家发明专利3项,实用新型专利2项目。
Rui Zhang, Doctor of Medicine, Associate Researcher at the Department of Pulmonary Circulation, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital; Researcher at the Advanced Research Institute, Tongji University; Supervisor for Master’s and Ph.D. students; Shanghai Pujiang Talent. Director of the Chinese Microcirculation Society; Committee Member of the Pulmonary Vascular Disease Group, Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Committee Member of the Pulmonary Vascular Disease Group, Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association. She has been engaged in both clinical and basic research on pulmonary arterial hypertension. She focuses on innovation and the integration of clinical applications with basic experimental exploration, having conducted a series of clinical and basic studies on the pathogenesis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension. As principal investigator, she has undertaken several research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China Special Project, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee’s "Belt and Road" International Cooperation Project, the Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai Science and Technology Committee Project, the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission General Project, Tongji University Outstanding Talent Training Program, and Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital’s Young Backbone Project. She also participates the National Basic Research Program (973 Program), the Major International Cooperation Projects, National Natural Science Foundation general projects, and the National Key Research and Development Projects. She has earned several awards such as the First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from the Chinese Medical Association, the First Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from Beijing, the Third Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress from Shanghai, and the Third Prize for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology from Shanghai. Individually, she has received the “International Investigator Research Award” and the “Best Abstract Award” from the American Thoracic Society. She has published nearly 60 SCI papers in international academic journals, including the European Respiratory Journal, Radiology, Hypertension, CHEST, Cardiovascular Research, and Heart, with an average impact factor of 7.2 and the highest impact factor of a single paper being 24.3, along with four commentary articles. She has presented 20 International Conference Abstracts (primarily at the American Thoracic Society’s annual meeting, ATS), and was a special invitee for speeches at five International Conferences. She has authorized three national invention patents and two utility model patents.