张石群博士,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏教授、博士生导师。入选国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目(海外)、上海市领军人才青年项目(海外)、上海市浦江人才计划、5848vip威尼斯电子游戏青年百人计划等。承担国家重点研发计划、国家基金委、上海市科委等项目,担任Virulence期刊编委、教育部“病原体与宿主相互作用”重点实验室研究员、中国药理学会教科专委会青年委员、上海市药理学会青年委员等。长期围绕皮肤、肺、肠道等外周器官疾病的神经免疫学机制进行系统性的研究工作,相关研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表于Cell, Adv Drug Deliv Rev, J Invest Dermatol, PLoS Pathog, Virulence等国际期刊上,近些年受邀参加Keystone Symposia、Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting等国际会议并做大会报告,分别获得国际SID Travel Fellowship Award,Immunology Retreat 1st Prize Award,上海市第四届、第五届青年药理学会特等奖等奖项。
1. Lu H*, Hong T*, Jiang Y, Whiteway M#, Zhang S#. Candidiasis: from cutaneous to systemic, new perspectives of potential targets and therapeutic strategies. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2023, Jun 10;114960.
2. Zhang S*, Sumpter TL*, Kaplan DH. Mast cell and Neuron cross-talk in the skin. J Invest Dermatol. 2022, 142(3):841-848.
3. Zhang S*, Edwards TN*, Chaudhri VK*, Wu J, Cohen JA, Hirai T, Rittenhouse N, Schmitz EG, Zhou PY, McNeil BD, Yang Y, Koerber HR, Sumpter TL, Poholek AC, Davis BM, Albers KM, Singh H, Kaplan DH. Nonpeptidergic neurons suppress mast cells via glutamate to maintain skin homeostasis. Cell. 2021, 184(8):2151-2166.e16.
4. Zhang S, Edwards TN, Mogavero S, Hube B, Berman J, Bougnoux ME, DEnfert C, Kaplan DH. ATP released by Candida albicans is associated with reduced skin infectivity. J Invest Dermatol. 2021, 141(9):2306-2310.
5. Cohen JA, Edwards TN, Liu AW, Hirai T, Jones MR, Wu J, Li Y, Zhang S, Ho J, Davis BM, Albers KM, Kaplan DH. Cutaneous TRPV1+ Neurons Trigger Protective Innate Type 17 Anticipatory Immunity. Cell. 2019, 178(4):919-932.e14.
6. Zhang SQ, Zou Z, Shen H, Shen SS, Miao Q, Huang X, Liu W, Li LP, Chen SM, Yan L, Zhang JD, Zhao JJ, Xu GT, An MM, Jiang YY. Mnn10 maintains pathogenicity in Candida albicans by extending α-1,6-mannose backbone to evade host Dectin-1 mediated antifungal immunity. PLoS Pathog. 2016, 12(5): e1005617.
7. Zhang SQ, Miao Q, Li LP, Zhang LL, Yan L, Jia Y, Cao YB, Jiang YY. Mutation of G234 Amino Acid Residue in Candida albicans Drug-resistance-related Protein Rta2p Is Associated with Fluconazole Resistance and Dihydrosphingosine Transport. Virulence, 2015, 6(6): 599-607.