功能性及动力障碍性疾病的基础与临床,Basic research and clinical practice of functional and motility disorders;
消化内镜诊断与治疗Diagnosis and treatment of digestive endoscopy.
5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属同济医院消化内镜学科带头人;Leader of digestive endoscopy discipline of Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University;
5848vip威尼斯电子游戏消化疾病研究所副所长;Deputy director of Institute of Digestive Diseases, School of Medicine, Tongji University;
中华医学会消化内镜委员,食管协作组副组长,结直肠学组委员;Member of Digestive Endoscopy Branch of Chinese Medical Association, deputy leader of Esophageal Cooperation Group and member of Colorectal Group;
中国医师协会内镜常委、消化内镜常委;Standing committee member of Endoscopy and Digestive Endoscopy of Chinese Medical Doctor Association;
上海医学会胃食管静脉曲张治疗专委会主委;Chairman of Specialized Committee on Treatment of Gastroesophageal Varices of Shanghai Medical Association
上海医学会消化内镜专委会副主委; Deputy chairman of Specialized Committee on Digestive Endoscopy of Shanghai Medical Association;
国家消化道早癌防治中心联盟成员单位首席专家;Chief expert of member unit of National Alliance for Early Prevention and Treatment of Digestive Tract Cancer;
国家消化内镜质量控制专家组委员;Member of National Digestive Endoscopy Quality Control Expert Group;
国家自然基金委项目评审专家;Project review expert of National Natural Science Foundation of China.
许树长同志,男,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属同济医院消化内科主任医师,教授,博士(后)研究生导师。担任中华医学会、中国医师学会等多个学术组织的重要职务,包括中华医学会消化内镜学分会委员等多项任职。荣获国务院特殊津贴专家、上海市五一劳动奖章、上海市医务工匠、上海市普陀区杰出人才等众多荣誉,国之名医优秀风范奖、上海仁心医师奖等。先后在德国Freiburg大学Loretto医院消化内科及香港中文大学Wales亲王医院消化内镜中心研修学习;36年来致力于消化疾病及消化内镜的临床及相关的基础研究,临床诊疗特色聚焦于胃肠动力障碍及功能性疾病的内科及内镜诊疗。并与日本大学、札幌医学中心建立了长期的医学交流,定期开办食管疾病的内镜诊治新技术的国家继续教育学习班,推广内镜技术,传播内镜微创诊治的新概念、新技术及新理念,培养消化内镜人才。主持国家自然基金及省部级基金项目 10 余项,已发表国内外论文 180 余篇,、主编著作 6 部,参编著作 5 部,参译著作 1 部,拥有专利 12 项,参编国内消化内镜相关指南及专家共识意见6部。其领衔的研究《精神应激相关的脑肠互动异常性疾病中枢致敏机制研究》获得上海市医学科技奖二等奖;已培养毕业硕博士研究生50余人。
Xu Shuchang, male, is a chief physician, professor, and doctoral (postdoctoral) supervisor in the Department of Gastroenterology of Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University. He holds important positions in many academic organizations such as the Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, including being a member of the Digestive Endoscopy Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and other positions. He has won many honors such as being an expert enjoying special government allowances of the State Council, the Shanghai May 1st Labor Medal, Shanghai Medical Craftsman, an outstanding talent in Putuo District, Shanghai, the Excellent Style Award of Famous Doctors in China, and the Shanghai Benevolent Doctor Award. He has studied in the Department of Gastroenterology of Loretto Hospital of Freiburg University in Germany and the Digestive Endoscopy Center of Prince of Wales Hospital of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. For 36 years, he has been committed to clinical and related basic research on digestive diseases and digestive endoscopy. His clinical diagnosis and treatment characteristics focus on the internal medicine and endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal motility disorders and functional diseases. He has established long-term medical exchanges with Nihon University and Sapporo Medical Center, regularly holds national continuing education courses on new endoscopic diagnosis and treatment techniques for esophageal diseases, promotes endoscopic technology, disseminates new concepts, new technologies and new ideas of minimally invasive endoscopic diagnosis and treatment, and cultivates digestive endoscopy talents. He has presided over more than 10 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and provincial and ministerial-level funds. He has published more than 130 papers at home and abroad. He is the chief editor of 4 works, participated in editing 5 works, and participated in translating 1 work. He owns 12 patents. His leading research "Study on the central sensitization mechanism of brain - gut interaction abnormal diseases related to mental stress" won the second prize of the Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award. He has cultivated more than 50 graduated master’s and doctoral students.