1. Xiaoping Zhu, LMAHeunks, Elly M. Versteeg, et al. Hypoxia-induced dysfunction of rat diaphragm:role of peroxynitrite. Am J Physiol (Lung Cell Physiol) 2005; 288: L16-26.
2. XiaoPing Zhu, LMA.Heunks, Leo Ennen, et al. Nitric oxide modulates neuromuscular transmissionduring hypoxia in rat diaphragm. Muscle and Nerve 2006; 33: 104-112.
3. Xiaoping Zhu, LMAHeunks, L Ennen, et al. Role of nitric oxide in isometric contractionproperties of rat diaphragm during hypoxia. Eur J Appl Physiol 2003; 88:417-426.
4. Xiaoping Zhu, LMAHeunks, HA Machiels, et al. Effects of modulation of nitric oxide on ratdiaphragm isotonic contractility during hypoxia. J Appl Physiol 2003; 94:612-620.
5. Huang jiaru and Zhu Xiaoping(通讯作者), The signaling of calpains on muscleatrophy. Physiological Research,2016, 6.
6. Xiaoping Zhu, Jeroenvan Hees, Leo Heunks, et al. The role of Calpains in ventilator-induceddiaphragm atrophy. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 2017; 5:14-17.
7. 邵蕾,朱晓萍 (通讯作者),自噬溶酶体途径与骨骼肌和膈肌萎缩,复旦学报(医学版),2016; 11: 6-9.
8. 汪志方,朱晓萍(通讯作者),人鼻病毒与慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重的相关性研究进展,中华结核和呼吸杂志,2016; 3:140-142.
9. 张常晶,马少林,朱晓萍(通讯作者),危重病膈肌功能障碍的影响因素及其机制,中华结核与呼吸杂志, 2015; 3:124-126.
10. 石磊,郭虹,黄佳茹,马少林,朱晓萍(通讯作者),Calpains 在机械通气膈肌萎缩中的作用及其机制研究, 中华结核和呼吸杂志,2014; 37:535-536.
11. 石磊,黄佳茹,马少林,朱晓萍(通讯作者),钙蛋白酶抑制剂Calpeptin在机械通气膈肌损伤和萎缩中的作用研究,中华危重病急救医学杂志,2014; 8:549-553.
12. 马少林,邵蕾,李占霞,叶海燕,张常晶,朱晓萍(通讯作者),淋巴细胞凋亡及内质网应激在脓毒症发生中的作用及其与预后关系研究,中华危重病急救医学杂志, 2015; 4:224-227.
13. 田媛, 马少林,张叶娜, 张文强, 朱晓萍(通讯作者), CT三维重建技术对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者膈肌形态学研究, 中华结核和呼吸杂志,2013; 36: 94-99.
1. 2011-2015,Calpains对机械通气膈肌萎缩的影响及其机制,国家自然基金(81170074) ;
2. 2016.6-2019.7,自噬溶酶体途径对机械通气膈肌功能异常的影响及其机制,上海市自然科学基金(16ZR1432900);
3. 2011-2014,慢性阻塞性肺疾患膈肌功能异常的分子机制研究,上海市教委科研创新项目(09ZZ38);
4. 2009-2012,氧化应激在机械通气致膈肌功能异常中的作用,上海市浦东新区社发局及学科带头人项目(PWRD)。
5. 2009-2012,一氧化氮在慢性阻塞性肺疾患膈肌功能异常中的作用,上海市卫计委 (2009097).
1. 上海市浦东新区学科带头人并获优秀奖(2013年);
2. 上海市浦东新区工会科技创新奖三等奖和医务工会职工创新一等奖(2012).
Scientific Publications
1. Xiaoping Zhu, LMA Heunks, Elly M. et al.Hypoxia-induced dysfunction of rat diaphragm: role of peroxynitrite. Am JPhysiol (Lung Cell Physiol) 2005; 288: L16-26.
4. XiaoPing Zhu, LMA. Heunks, Leo Ennen, et al. Nitricoxide modulates neuromuscular transmission during hypoxia in rat diaphragm.Muscle and Nerve 2006; 33: 104-112.
5. Xiaoping Zhu, LMA Heunks, L Ennen, et al. Roleof nitric oxide in isometric contraction properties of rat diaphragm duringhypoxia. Eur J Appl Physiol 2003; 88: 417-426.
4. Xiaoping Zhu, LMA Heunks, HA Machiels, et al.Effects of modulation of nitric oxide on rat diaphragm isotonic contractilityduring hypoxia. J Appl Physiol 2003; 94: 612-620.
5. Huang jiaru and Zhu Xiaoping (corresponde), Thesignaling of calpains on muscle atrophy. Physiological Research,2016, 6.
6. The role of Calpains in ventilator-induceddiaphragm atrophy. Xiaoping Zhu, Jeroen van Hees, Leo Heunks, Jiaru Huang, LeiShi, Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 2017, 5:14-17.
1. The National Natural Science Foundation of China,the regulation of Calpains onthe mechanical ventualtion-induced diaphragm atrophy (81170074) ;
2. The Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai,the regulation ofAutophagy-lysosome system on the mechanical ventualtion-induced diaphragmatrophy (81170074).
Science and technology innovation of Shanghai Pudong New Area.