呼吸系统疾病特别是肺部感染、损伤、纤维化的免疫调控机制。Mechanism of immune regulation in respiratory diseases, especially pulmonary infection, injury and fibrosis.
Researcher, PhD, doctoral supervisor. Currently, he is a researcher of the Institute of advanced research of Tongji University, deputy director of the Interstitial Lung Disease laboratory of Shanghai Institute of respiratory disease, and was selected into the excellent young talents plan of Tongji University and the excellent young talents plan of Shanghai Lung Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University.
已发表ERJ、Autophagy、Bioactive Materials、Theranostics、Chest等SCI论文52篇,以第一或通讯作者发表25篇(总IF>170),3篇IF>10,17篇IF>5,JCR一区17篇,累计被引用次数超过900。主持完成国家自然基金面上及青年项目2项,国家科技重大新药创制专项子课题1项,作为学术骨干参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划等课题多项。