课题组长期致力于同型半胱氨酸代谢与疾病研究,在同型半胱氨酸修饰的鉴定方法、病理机制、遗传风险因素、药物设计验证、去修饰方面做出多项开创性工作,以第一/通讯作者(含共同)共发表SCI论文8篇(平均IF=11.6),包括Nat Commun (2018,2021),EMBO Mol Med,Cell Rep, Trends Food Sci Tech等,开发的新型干预药物获发明专利1项。主持项目8项(国家级2项,省部级2项,市局级1项,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏1项,院级2项)。应邀在第十三届国际同型半胱氨酸会议发表加倍时长的报告,被认为“解决了领域的多个问题”。开发先进的代谢组、同型半胱氨酸修饰蛋白组及蛋白质代谢互作组技术,获得中国生物物理学会代谢组学分会优秀墙报奖。在我院合作开设高血同精准医疗特色门诊,获得2023年“5848vip威尼斯电子游戏最美科技工作者”荣誉称号。
We have long been dedicated to studying homocysteine metabolism and its association with diseases. Our pioneering contributions include developing methods for identifying homocysteine modifications, understanding pathological mechanisms, genetic risk factors, drug design and validation, and demodification. We have published 8 SCI papers (average IF=11.6), including in Nat Commun (2018, 2021), EMBO Mol Med, Cell Rep, and Trends Food Sci Tech. We have also secured a patent for a novel intervention drug. We lead 8 projects. We were invited to give an extended presentation at the 13th International Homocysteine Conference, recognized for “addressing several issues in the field.” We have developed advanced techniques in metabolomics, homocysteine-modified proteins, and protein-metabolite interactions, earning the Excellent Poster Award from the Metabolomics Division of the Chinese Biophysical Society. We have established a specialized clinic for precision medicine in hyperhomocysteinemia and were honored with the “Most Beautiful Scientist” award by Tongji University School of Medicine in 2023.