8.《中华血液学杂志》、《临床康复杂志》,《5848vip威尼斯电子游戏学报》、《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》、《临床血液学杂志》、《解放军医学杂志 》编委
9.《New England Journal of Medicine》、《Medicine》、《Oncology report》、《Oncotarget》、《International Journal of Hematology》、《Journal of Hematology and Oncology》、《Microbiology and Immunology》、 《Annual of Biology》、《Veterinary Research Communications》 特约审稿人
Deputy medical director of Tongji Hospital of Tongji University;
Director of the Hematology cancer center
Young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions at the national level, enjoying special allowances from the State Council
National Talent of " Millions of Talents Project "
1. Standing member of hematology branch of Chinese medical association
2. Standing member of hematology branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
3. Later Chairman of Shanghai Society of Hematology of Chinese Medical Association Vice Chairman of Shanghai Society of Hematology of Chinese Medical Association
4. Vice Chairman of hematology branch of Shanghai Society of Immunology
5. Member of Chinese anti-cancer association
6. Member of the American Society of Hematology
7. Member of the American Society of Oncology
8. Editorial board member of 《Chinese Journal of Hematology》、《Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation》、《Journal of Tongji University(medical edition)》、《Chinese Tissue Engineering Research and Clinical Rehabilitation》、《Journal of Clinical Hematology》、《Med J Chin PLA》
9. Invited reviewers of 《New England Journal of Medicine》、《Medicine》、《Oncology report》、《Oncotarget》、《International Journal of Hematology》、《Journal of Hematology and Oncology》、《Microbiology and Immunology》、 《Annual of Biology》、《Veterinary Research Communications》
Judge of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation of China, Tianjin Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Medical Administration
主持国家自然科学基金7项和科技部中美重大合作项目1项,参与国家高科技专题“863”项目1项和国家重大基础课题“973”项目2项,同时还主持上海市科委自然科学基金重点项目、上海市卫生局科技发展基金重点项目等多项。迄今共获得省部级科研成果奖5项及其他多项荣誉称号,迄今发表论文200余篇,近五年发表SCI论文51余篇(其中通讯及第一作者论文21篇,单篇最高影响因子28.71),部分论文发表在《Cell》、《Leukemia》、《Cancer Research》、《Haematologica》和《Journal of Hematology and Oncology》等著名期刊,参编血液学著作2部,申请国家专利6项。
承担科研项目:1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,81830004,TLR4通路介导的内皮细胞激活促进CART细胞治疗相关sCRS的发生,293万元,2019.1-2023.12
2. 中美重大合作项目,81430003,白血病干细胞生存和干性维持的关键信号通路, 320万,2015/01-2019/12
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81270615,SirT1在白血病干细胞DNA损伤修复中的作用研究,80万,2012/01-2015/12
Presided over 7 grants of National Natural Science Foundation of China and one Sino-US major Cooperation Project. Participated in one national high-tech special project "863" sub-project and two“973”sub-projects. Presided over grants of Natural Science Foundation of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and grants of the Science and Technology Development Fund of the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau. Obtained two second prizes of scientific and technological progress of the Ministry of Education and three second prizes of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award. Published more than 200 papers, including 51 SCI papers.
Research projects in progress:
1. Key project of national natural science foundation of China, 81830004, TLR4-mediated endothelial cell activation promoting CART cell therapy related sCRS, 2.93 million RMB, 2019.1-2023.12
2. Sino-US major Cooperation Project, 814300033,Key signaling pathways for survival and dry maintenance of leukemia stem cells,3.2 million RMB, 2015/01-2019/12
3. National natural science foundation of China, 81270615, The role of SirT1 in DNA damage repair of leukemia stem cells, 800,000 RMB, 2012/01-2015/12