国家卫计委脑卒中防治工程专家委员会委员Member of the Stroke Prevention and Control Engineering Expert Committee of the National Health and Family Planning Commission
中华预防医学会卒中预防与控制委员会委Member of Stroke Preventive and Control Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
中国医师协会神经内科医师分会神经放射专业委员会 常务委Member of the Standing Committee of Neuroradiology, Neurologist Branch, Chinese Medical Doctors Association
上海市医学会神经内科专业委员会委员Member of Neurology Professional Committee of Shanghai Medical Association
上海市康复医学会第四届神经康复专业委员会 副主任委员Shanghai Rehabilitation Medical Association, the fourth professional committee of neurological rehabilitation vice Chairman
中国研究型医院学会脑小血管病专业委员会Cerebral Microvascular Disease Professional Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Association
2.Fei Chen, Lingjing Jin, Zhiyu Nie*. Safety and Efficacy of Rotigotine for Treating Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. J Pharm Pharm Sci. 2017 May 20, 285 – 294.
3.Ya Feng, Wuchao Liu, Lizhen Pan, Cong Jiang, Chengxi Zhang, Yuxuan Lu, Zhiyu Nie*, Lingjing Jin. Comparison of neurotoxic potency betweena novel chinbotulinumtoxinA withonabotulinumtoxinA, incobotulinumtoxinA and lanbotulinumtoxinA in rats. Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 2017 June 28:1927-1939.
4.管强,赵丽娟,靳令经,聂志余*.帕金森病患者跌倒恐惧的多因素分析.中华老年心脑血管病杂志2017年8月第19卷 第8期,802-805.
6.Huang J, Li J, Feng C, Huang X, Wong L, Liu X, Nie Z*, Xi G. Blood-Brain Barrier Damage as the Starting Point of Leukoaraiosis Caused by Cerebral ChronicHypoperfusion and Its Involved Mechanisms: Effect of Agrin and Aquaporin-4. Biomed Res Int. 2018 Feb 26;2018:2321797. doi: 10.1155/2018/2321797. eCollection 2018.
8.Yanwen Zhou, Ying Liu, Yunhua Hao,Ya Feng, Lizhen Pan, Wuchao Liu, Bin Li, Libin Xiao, Lingjing Jin, Zhiyu Nie*. The mechanism of botulinum A on Raynaud syndrome.Drug Design, Development and Therapy.2018:12 1-11.
9.Meng Liu* ,Zhi-Yu Nie*,Ren-Ren Li,Wei Zhang,Hui Wang,Yu-Sheng He,Li-Juan Zhao,Yun-Xia Li*. Correlation of Brain Perfusion with White Matter Hyperintensity, Brain Atrophy, and Cognition in Patients with Posterior Cerebral Artery Stenosis and Subjective Cognitive Decline. Med Sci Monit. 2018 Aug 17;24:5729-5738.
15.张盼盼,刘远洪, 闫斌,刘素梅,葛晓航,牛智领,刘乐喜,聂志余*.基于磁敏感加权成像的pc-ASPECTS评分对后循环急性缺血性卒中预后的预测价值.中国卒中杂志,2019,14(6):527-532.
16.郑国将, 毛相濡,丁刚玉,王星,徐建华,靳令经,聂志余*.探讨ASPECTS、DRAGON和SEDAN评分对我国急性缺血性卒中患者静脉溶栓后急性期内出血转化的预测价值.中国卒中杂志,2019,14(6):533-540.
17.Hui Wang#, Zhi-Yu Nie*, Meng Liu, Ren-Ren Li, Li-He Huang, Zhen Lu, Ling-Jing Jin, Yun-Xia Li(聂主任共一,李主任通讯)* .Clinical characteristics of perivascular space and brain CT perfusion in stroke-free patients with carotid plaque. Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(5):5033-5041. (SCI收录 IF=0.181)
18.Hui Wang, Zhi-Yu Nie*,Meng Liu, Ren-Ren Li,Li-He Huang,Zheng Lu,Ling-Jing Jin,Yun-Xia Li.Clinical characteristics of perivascular space and brain CT perfusion in stroke-free patients with intracranial and extracranial therosclerosis of different extents,Ann Transl Med 2020;8(5):215
21.Yunxia Li*, Xin Wang, Meng Liu, Wei Zhang, Renren Li, Zhiyu Nie*.Effect of Methylene Blue and PI3K-Akt Pathway Inhibitors on the Neurovascular System after Chronic CerebralHypoperfusion in Rats. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. DOI 10.1007/s12031-020-01572-1.08 June 2020