1.Mental health assessment and psychosocial intervention of adolescents;
2.Research on the process and effectiveness of systemic family therapy;
3.Family dynamics of mental disorders
1.Associate professor of psychiatry, Tongji University School of medicine;
2.Member of the Marriage and Family Mental Health Promotion Committee of Chinese Mental Health Association;
3.Member of Sexual Psychology Committee of Chinese Mental Health Association;
4.Member of Shanghai Mental Health Association;
5.Certificated supervisor of Chinese Mental Health Association;
6.Registered supervisor of clinical and counseling psychology registration system of Chinese Psychological Society;
7.Trainer of Chinese-German advanced family therapist training program;
8.Supervisor of systemic therapy,Systemic family therapist
9.Hypnotherapist certified by German clinical hypnosis Association
10.Member of Shanghai Science and Technology Expert Pool
11.Expert in blind review of doctoral dissertations of the Ministry of Education of China
2012年获得德国海德堡大学医学心理学博士学位;2012年至今5848vip威尼斯电子游戏工作。 2013年至今先后在5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属东方医院临床心理科及5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属精神卫生中心临床心理科兼职主治医师。从事心身医学与家庭治疗的科研、教学和临床工作近20年。研究方向:公共精神卫生与儿少心理卫生。主持国家自然科学基金及上海市浦江人才计划等科研项目10项,参编《医学心理学》教科书3部,以第一或通讯作者发表中、英、德语学术论文20余篇,出版德语译著《系统治疗与咨询教科书》上册和下册,出版专著《系统理论在家庭治疗实践中的运用》。
I received my PhD degree in Medical Psychology from the University of Heidelberg, Germany in 2012. I have been working at the Medical School of Tongji University since 2012. Since 2013, I been working as a part-time attending physician in the Department of Clinical Psychology of East Hospital affiliated with Tongji University and the Department of Clinical Psychology of Mental Health Center affiliated with Tongji University. I have been engaged in research, teaching and clinical work in psychosomatic medicine and family therapy for 20 years. My research interests include public mental health and mental health of children and adolescents. I have presided over 10 research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program. I have co-edited three textbooks of Medical Psychology, and published more than 20 academic papers in Chinese, English and German as the first or corresponding author. I have also published the German translations of“Textbook of Systemic Therapy and Counseling” (the first and the second volumes) and a book, “The Application of Systemic Theory in the Practice of Family Therapy”.