Attending physician and scientific secretary of the Department of Phototherapy at Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital; The young medical talents of "rising star of Medical Academy";Member of the International Photodynamic Association(IPA);Secretary of the Photomedicine Group of Dermatology Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association; Member of the Science Popularization Group of Dermatology Rehabilitation Committee of China Rehabilitation Medical Association; Secretary of photodynamic and low level laser group of laser medicine branch of Shanghai Medical Association
主要从事痤疮及光动力/光医学治疗痤疮、皮肤肿瘤、HPV感染相关疾病及各类激光美容治疗。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、卫健委课题青年项目、5848vip威尼斯电子游戏校级及院内国自然培育项目各1项,参与多项国自然项目及科技部重点研发计划项目;发表论文30篇,其中第一作者SCI文章12篇;参编《光动力皮肤病治疗学》;获得省部级科技进步一等奖2项、二等奖1项 。
She mainly engaged in acne and photodynamic therapy/photomedical treatment of acne, skin tumors, HPV infection related diseases, and various laser beauty treatments. She hosted one National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, one National Health Commission Youth Project, and one Tongji University level and in-house National Natural Science Cultivation Project and participated in multiple National Natural Science projects and key research and development programs of the Ministry of Science and Technology. She has published 30 papers, including 12 SCI articles as the first author and participated in the compilation of "Photodynamic Therapy in Dermatology ". She received 2 first prizes and 1 second prize for provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress.