皮肤纤维化的机制研究(Basic research on skin fibrosis)、
毛发疾病的临床研究(Clinical research on hair diseases)、
皮肤外科学(Dermatologic Surgery)
5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属同济医院人力资源处处长(Director of Human Resource Department in Tongji Hospital of Tongji University)
中国整形美容协会抗衰老分会第二届理事会理事(Member of the second Council of Anti-Aging Branch of China Plastic and Aesthetic Association)
中国中医药研究促进会皮肤与美容分会常务委员(Executive Committee Member of the Skin and Beauty Branch of Chinese medicine research Association)
上海市医学会皮肤科专科分会皮肤外科学组副组长(Deputy Leader of the Dermatology Surgery Group of the Dermatology Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association)
She has long been engaged in clinical practice, teaching and scientific research in dermatology. She is proficient in dermatological surgery, hair health and skin rejuvenation treatment. She presides over projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, and clinical research projects of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission.