博士后 瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院(诺贝尔医学和生理学奖评审机构)
Post-doctor of Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Chief of the scientific research and teaching department of the hospital,
Director of the ethics office of the hospital
1、基于CRISPR/Cas12a技术的皮肤真菌核酸快速检测试剂盒临床研究,22Y11905700 (上海市科委).经费30万 在研。
3、基于质谱分析建立水疱性皮肤病病原微生物检测平台及其生物标记分子的筛选,SHDC12018X0(上海申康三年行动计划项目). 30万在研。
4、多肽介导紫杉醇隐形纳米粒抗黑素瘤血管生成效应研究,15ZR1436900(上海市科委).10万 结题
5、皮肤性病健康教育与健康促进,12GWZX0902(上海公共卫生重点学科建设项目). 100万 结题。
横向课题:1、化妆品和原料体外替代方法基础研究和测评 60万 在研
2 祛斑美白化妆品美白功效评价体外替代方法研究 30万 在研
近年发表部分文章 [(共同)第一/通讯]:
1.Thiostrepton induces oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and ferroptosis in HaCaT cells. Cellular Signalling.2024.(4.4/Q2)
2.Oroxylin A suppress LL-37 generated rosacea-like skin inffammation through the modulation of SIRT3-SOD2-NF-κB signaling pathway. International Immunopharmacology.2024 (4.8/Q1)
3.CRISPR‑based quantum dot nanobead lateral fow assay for facile detection of varicella‑zoster virus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.2023 (5.0/Q2)
4.Improvement of Pruritus and Efficacy in the Early Stage of Therapy with Upadacitinib, Abrocitinib,or Dupilumab in Chinese Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis:Prospective, Cohort, Observational Study. DERMATITIS,2023(4.8,Q1)
5.Luteolin-Loaded Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Melanoma. International Journal of Nanomedicine.2023(8/Q1)
6.Single-cell analysis of human prepuce reveals dynamic changes in gene regulation and cellular communications. BMC Genomics,2023(4.5 Q2)
7.Integrative analysis of multi-omics data for liquidbiopsy. British Journal of Cancer 2022. (Nature子刊)
8.GRNdb: decoding the gene regulatory networks in diverse human and mouse conditions. Nucleic Acids Research 2021,IF 19.61 Q1
9.Single-cell transcriptomic analysis reveals dynamic alternative splicing and gene regulatory networks among pancreatic islets SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 2020. IF 10.37,Q1
10.Lactate Induces Production of the tRNAHis Half to Promote B-lymphoblastic Cell Proliferation. Molecular Therapy,2020. IF 12.91 Q1
11.Comparison of samples of blister fluid and scales in the diagnosis of dermatomycosis,Mycoses,2022,6,IF:4.9
12.Bimodal size distribution immuno-quantum dots for fluorescent western blotting assay with high sensitivity and extended dynamic range. Microchimica Acta .2020. IF 6.2 Q1
13.Correlation Between Facial Skin Microbiota and Skin Barriers in a Chinese Female Population with Sensitive Skin. Infection and Drug Resistance. 2021
14.Effect of Shinkonin Against Candida albicans biofilms. Frontiers in microbiology. 2019 IF 6.06
15.Lactic Acid Downregulates Viral MicroRNA To Promote Epstein-Barr Virus-Immortalized B Lymphoblastic Cell Adhesion and Growth. J Virology.2018 IF 6.54 Q1
16.A novel delivery vector for targeted delivery of the antiangiogenic drug paclitaxel to angiogenic blood vessels: TLTYTWS-conjugated PEG–PLA nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2017