The Director of Radiology Department, Shanghai pulmonary Hospital, affiliated with Tongji University School of Medicine;
The Member of the Heart and Chest Group of the Chinese Society of Radiology;
The Member of the shanghai College of Radiology;
The Member of Image Committee of Shanghai Doctors Association;
The Member of the Imaging Committee of the Tuberculosis Branch of the Chinese Medical Association;
The Vice Chairman of the Imaging Committee of the Clinical Branch of the Chinese Antituberculosis Association.
专业方向为:胸部疾病的影像诊断及介入放射学。具体研究方向主要包括:影像与病理对照研究、放射组学、分子影像、人工智能方面的研究工作。近年来承担省部级课题5项;实用新型专利1项;先后在《Clin Cancer Res》、《CHEST》、《lung cancer》、《Journal of thoracic oncology》、《European Radiology》等国外本领域较高水平期刊发表论文25篇,总影响因子(IF)85.095:其中最高影响因子12.242分 (Clin Cancer Res)。主编专著5部。
The Research directions is: The image diagnosis and interventional radiology of lung disease. Specific research directions include: Radiological and Pathological Study , radiomics, molecular imaging, artificial intelligence research.