胃癌及胰腺癌等消化道肿瘤的临床与基础研究 The clinical and basic research of gastric cancer and pancreatic cancer and other gastrointestinal cancer
现任5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属东方医院普外科兼胃肠外科主任,历任上海长征医院胃肠外科荣誉主任,军队外科装备研发总师(首席科学家),上海市优秀技术带头人。学术任职包括中国生物工程学会生物医药大数据专业委员会副主任委员、全军普通外科专业委员会常委、全军普通外科专业委员会精准医疗学组组长、全军普通外科专业委员会胃肠学组副组长、全军普通外科专业委员会微创学组副组长、中国研究型医院学会普外专委会常委、上海市医师协会普通外科委员会委员、上海市普通外科质控专家、中国研究型医院学会消化道肿瘤专委会委员、中国医师协会外科分会上消化道专委会委员、中华医学会上海分会胃肠学组委员、内镜感染控制与管理专业委员会常委、军队后勤科技装备评价专家等。 The director of General Surgery and gastrointestinal Surgery of East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University. Successively served as honorary director of gastrointestinal Surgery of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Chief division (chief scientist) of military surgical equipment research and development, and Shanghai excellent technical leader. Academic positions include Deputy Chairman of the Biomedical Big Data Committee of the Chinese Society of Bioengineering, Standing Committee of the General Surgery Committee of the Army, Head of the Precision Medicine Group of the General Surgery Committee of the Army, Deputy head of the Gastroenterology group of the General Surgery Committee of the Army, Deputy head of the Minimally invasive group of the General Surgery Committee of the Chinese Society of Research Hospitals , Member of the General Surgery Committee of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association, Shanghai General surgery quality control expert, Member of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Society, Member of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Special Committee of the Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Member of the Gastroenterology Group of the Shanghai Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Member of the Standing Committee of the Endoscopic Infection Control and Management Professional Committee, Military logistics technology equipment evaluation expert, etc.
主持课题共计16项、项目经费总计1800余万,包括国家自然科学基金(2项)、军队重大项目、军队重点项目、上海市科委重点项目、申康科技前沿、校精准医疗重点等。分别获军队医疗成果二等奖、上海市科技进步奖等多项成果。研发了世界上首台肠鸣音监测仪及内置式移动光源等5项装置,获批专利15项。发表论文130余篇,其中SCI 49篇(第一/通讯作者),主参编学术著作十余部。 Presided over 16 projects with a total funding of more than 18 million yuan, including 2 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Major projects of the army, Key projects of the army, Key projects of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Scientific and technological frontier of Shenkang, Key projects of precision medicine of the University, etc. Won the second prize of military medical achievements, Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award etc. Developed 5 devices such as the first bowel sound monitor in the world and built-in mobile light source, and has been granted 15 patents. Published more than 130 paper, including 49 SCI paper (the first/corresponding author), and co-edited more than 10 academic works.