Currently serving as the Deputy Director of Orthopedics、Director of Trauma Orthopedics at Tongji Hospital of Tongji University and chief physician 、Doctoral supervisor of Orthopaedics department.
Board member of Traumatology Branch of Shanghai Medicine Association
Board member of the Orthopedics Group of the Trauma Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association
Board member of the Bone Oncology Group of the Orthopedic Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association
Board member of the Orthopedics Group of the Shanghai Anatomy Society
Board member of Traumatology Branch of Shanghai Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine Association
Board member of Osteoporosis Branch of Shanghai Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine Association
Standing Committee Member of the Orthopedic Branch of the National Health Production Enterprise Management Association
Board member of Youth Group Associaition of SICOT China
Board member of Nerve Regeneration and Repair Group of Chinese Research Hospitals
Board member of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery of Shanghai Branch of SICOT China
Journal Of Practical Orthopaedics:Editorial board
Chinese Journal of Anatomy and Clinics:Examiner
Journal Of Biological Orthopaedic Materials and Clinical Research: Examine
Engaged in long-term clinical work in trauma orthopedics and emergency curing for multiple injuries, completed over 10000 surgeries for various types of fractures and limb function reconstruction. Having considerable experience in the diagnosis and treatment of complex limb fractures, periarticular fractures, pelvic and acetabular fractures, elderly and osteoporotic fractures, osteomyelitis, nonunion, and peripheral nerve injuries. Having successively served as a Fellow or Visiting Scholar at the Orthopedics Center of the University of Pennsylvania Affiliated Hospital in the United States, the Orthopedics Department of the University of Hamburg Affiliated Hospital in Germany, and the Orthopedics/Orthopedic Research Institute of the University of South Australia in Australia.
Having presided over and participated in more than 20 fund projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Medical Innovation Special Project, Shanghai Health Commission, Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center, Tongji University, and Tongji Hospital; As first or corresponding author has published 22 SCI papers and 15 Chinese series papers; Obtained 2 national authorized invention patents and 11 utility model patents as the first author, and converted 1 patent; As the first author, Winning one third prize at the Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Award, one silver and one bronze prize at the Shanghai Excellent Invention Selection Competition, and one Shanghai Starlight Plan Excellence Award. Having been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on bone trauma at Tongji University for many years, and as the course leader, Having led the graduate course "Fundamentals of Microsurgery" at Tongji University; Train 10 master's students and 5 doctoral students.
(1)Jia-qing Ji , Xin Zhang , Tao Cai , Kai Chen , Ji-kui Qian , Feng Yuan ,Jian Fan(樊健 通讯).Size and fixation options of dorsoulnar fragments in distal radius fractures.Injury, 2024, 55(6):111513.
(2)Xin Zhang#; Feng Yuan#; Yong Yin*; Jian Fan(樊健 通讯).Imaging study of coronal structural matching of the distal radius in normal adults.BMC Medical Imaging2020,20(1):35.
(3)Zhang X, Zhang Y, Fan J(樊健 通讯), Yuan F, Tang Q, Xian CJ.Analyses of fracture line distribution in intra-articular distal radius fractures. Radiol Med.2019,124(7):613-619.
(4)Jian Fan(樊健),Yun-feng Yang.Tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC)arthrodesis with reversePHILOS plate and medialcannulated screws withlateral approach.BMC Musculoskelet al Disorders.2017,05:1471-2474.
(5)Jian Fan(樊健),Chen Kai,Zhu Hui,Jiang Bo,Yuan Feng,Zhu Xiaozhong,Mei Jiong and Yu Guangrong.Effect of fixing distal radius fracture with volar locking palmar plates while preserving pronator quadratus .Chinese Medical Journal 2014;127 (16):2929-2933.
(6)Jian Fan(樊健),Bo Jiang,Bing Wang,Kai Chen,Yuan Feng,Jiong Mei,Guang-rong Yu.Analysis of soft-tissue complications volar plate fixation for managing distal radius fractures and clinical effect while preserving pronator quadratus. Acta Orthop Belg 2016,82:305-312.
(7)Jian Fan(樊健) ,Yuan Feng, Shan-zhu Li,Qian Tang, Cory J. Xian.Is the preoperative closed reduction irreplaceable for distal radius fracture surgical treatment? - A retrospective clinical study.Int J Clin Exp Med2017,10(1).
(8)Jian Fan(樊健), Feng Yuan,Mei Jiong,Xiao-zhong Zhu,Guang-rong Yu,Dong-dong Lu. Silencing of Glucose Transporter Protein-1 by RNA Interference Inhibits Human Osteosarcoma Mg63 Cells Growth in vivo. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment.2015,14(2):243-248.
(9)Jian Fan(樊健), Jiong Mei , Feng Yuan , Xiao-zhong Zhu , Shan-zhu Li , Long-hui Chen , Cory Xian , Qian Tang. Clinical pathological significance of the overexpression of Glucose transporter protein-1 (Glut-1) in human osteosarcoma. Oncology Letter2017.04:1792-1074
(10)Jian Fan(樊健),Xin Zhang,Feng Yuan,Shan-zhu Li.Cannulated screws combined with vertical figure-of eight wire technique in distal pole fractures of the patella.Int J Clin Exp Med 2017,10(2):3169-3175.
(11)季佳庆, 张鑫, 钱继魁, 吴晗, 蔡涛, 袁锋, 樊健(通讯). 背尺侧骨块累及月骨窝关节面1/8至1/3的ao分型c型桡骨远端骨折的内固定治疗. 中华骨科杂志,2024,44(,2), 87-95.
(12)季佳庆, 钱继魁, 吴晗, 蔡涛, 袁锋, 樊健(通讯). 桡骨远端骨折术后腕关节功能不良的危险因素分析. 中华手外科杂志,2023, 39(05), 415-420.
(13)季佳庆, 吴晗, 蔡涛, 袁锋,樊健(通讯). 三种内固定方式治疗粉碎性肱骨大结节骨折的疗效比较.中华创伤骨科杂志, 2023, 24(4) : 649-656.
(14)季佳庆, 王健, 张鑫, 袁锋,樊健(通讯). 桡骨远端骨折掌侧内固定术后背侧关节内骨块移位的危险因素分析. 中华创伤骨科杂志, 2022, 28(8) : 345-349.
(15)樊健, 季佳庆,张鑫,郭秀武,姚英,周家钤、李山珠、袁锋,俞光荣,程黎明. 低位肱骨远端骨折的手术策略与治疗效果. 中华外科杂志, 2020, 58(3):1-7.
(17)樊健, 蒋波,袁锋,李山珠,周家钤,梅炯,程黎明,俞光荣.桡骨极远端骨折的临床特点及治疗策略.中华外科杂志2016,10(54):1-6.
(20)樊健,李山珠,袁锋,周家钤.股骨小转子未固定的PFNA治疗Evans-Jensen Ⅲ型转子间骨折的有限元分析及临床研究.中华实验外科杂志,2016,33(12):2794-2796.
(21)樊健,蒋波,袁锋,梅炯,程黎明,俞光荣.空心螺钉加独立垂直钢丝环扎治疗急性髌骨下极骨折 中华创伤杂志,2015,31(8):917-921.
(1)樊健,等(发明). PAFAH1B3在制备骨肉瘤的诊断标记物和治疗骨肉瘤药物中的应用, 2022-09-13, ZL 2019 1 1286319.4.
(7)樊健,等(实用).一种肱骨大结节固定钢板,2016.2,中国 20161250552.9
(8)樊健,等(实用).一种用于胫骨髓内钉术中膝关节固定的装置,2017.8,中国 20161250551.4
(1)樊健、等,上海医学科技进步三等奖,提高桡骨远端骨折临床疗效的相关新技术研究, 2021年度,上海市医学会