Xu T#, Gu W#, Wang X*, Xia L, He Y, Dong F, Yang B*, Yao X*. Distant metastasis without regional progression in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: case report and pooled analysis of literature. World J Surg Oncol, 2022;20(1):226. (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=3.253).
Dong B#, Yang B#, Chen W#, Du X#, Fan L#, Yao X*, Xue W*. Olaparib for Chinese metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: A real-world study of efficacy and gene predictive analysis. Medical oncology, 2022;39(5):96.(Article, Co-First author, IF=3.738)
Yang G#, Xie J#, Guo Y, Yuan J, Wang R, Guo C, Peng B, Yao X*, Yang B*. Identifying the Candidates Who Will Benefit from Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection at Radical Prostatectomy among Patients with Prostate Cancer. Front. Oncol. 2022. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.790183. (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=5.738)
Yang G#, Xie J#, Zhang S, Gu W, Yuan J, Wang R, Guo C, Ye L, Peng B, Yao X*, Yang B*. Clinical Significance of Mesenchymal Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients With Oligometastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer Who Underwent Cytoreductive Radical Prostatectomy. Front. Oncol. 2022. 11:812549. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.812549. (2022) (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=5.738)
Yang B*, Yang G, Yao X. Re: Karim A. Touijer, Daniel D. Sjoberg, Nicole Benfante, et al. Limited Versus Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection for Prostate Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Eur Urol Oncol. In press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euo.2021.03.006. Eur Urol Oncol. 2021. (Letter, First author and Corresponding author, IF=8.208)
Dong B#, Fan L#, Yang B#, Chen W#, Li Y#, Wu K#, Zhang F#, Dong H, Cheng H, Pan J, Zhu Y, Chi C, Dong L, Sha J, Li L, Yao X*, Xue W*. Use of Circulating Tumor DNA for the Clinical Management of Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter, Real-World Study. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 2021:1-10. (Article, Co-First author, IF=12.693)
Guo Y#, Mao S#, Zhang A#, Zhang J, Wang L, Wang R, Zhang W, Zhang Z, Wu Y, Cao X, Yang B*, Yao X*. Survival Significance of Patients With Low Prostate-Specific Antigen and High-Grade Prostate Cancer After Radical Prostatectomy, External Beam Radiotherapy, or External Beam Radiotherapy With Brachytherapy. Front Oncol. 2019 Jul 19;9:638. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00638. eCollection 2019. (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=5.738)
Guo Y#, Mao S#, Zhang A#, Wang R, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Wang L, Zhang W, Wu Y, Ye L, Yang B*, Yao X*. Prognostic Significance of Young Age and Non-Bone Metastasis at Diagnosis in Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer: a SEER Population-Based Data Analysis. J Cancer, 2019;10(3):556-567. (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=4.478)
Zhou L#, Xia J#, Wang P, Jia R, Zheng J, Yao X, Chen Y, Dai Y*, Yang B*. Autologous Smooth Muscle Progenitor Cells Enhance Regeneration of Tissue-Engineered Bladder. Tissue Eng Part A. 2018 Jul;24(13-14):1066-1081. (Article, Corresponding author, IF=4.08)
Liu G, Wu R, Yang B, Deng C, Lu X, Walker SJ, Ma PX, Mou S, Atala A, Zhang Y. Human Urine-Derived Stem Cell Differentiation to Endothelial Cells with Barrier Function and Nitric Oxide Production. Stem Cells Transl Med, 2018;7(9):686-698. (Article, IF=7.655).
Guo C#, Gu W#, Liu M, Peng Bo, Yao X, Yang B*, Zheng J*. Efficacy and safety of testosterone replacement therapy in men with hypogonadism: A meta-analysis study of placebo-controlled trials. Exp Ther Med, 2016;11(3):853-863. (Meta-analysis Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=2.751)
Gu W#, Sun W#, Guo C, Yan Y, Liu M, Yao X, Yang B*, Zheng J*. Culture and characterization of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with renal cell carcinoma. The Journal of urology, 2015;194(1):214-222. (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF= 7.6)
Zhou L, Xia J, Qiu X, Wang P, Jia R, Chen Y, Yang B*, Dai Y*. In vitro evaluation of endothelial progenitor cells from adipose tissue as potential angiogenic cell sources for bladder angiogenesis. PLoS One, 2015;10(2):e0117644. (Article, Co-Corresponding author, IF=3.752)
Song L, Murphy SV, Yang B, Xu Y, Zhang Y, Atala A. Bladder acellular matrix and its application in bladder augmentation. Tissue engineering Part B, Reviews, 2014;20(2):163-172. (Article, author, IF=7.376)
Yang B#, Zhou L#, Peng B, Sun Z, Dai Y*, Zheng J*. In vitro comparative evaluation of recombinant growth factors for tissue engineering of bladder in patients with neurogenic bladder. The Journal of surgical research, 186(1):63-72, 2014. (Article, IF= 2.417)
Zhou L#, Yang B#, Sun C, Qiu X, Sun Z, Chen Y, Zhang Y*, Dai Y*. Coadministration of platelet-derived growth factor-BB and vascular endothelial growth factor with bladder acellular matrix enhances smooth muscle regeneration and vascularization for bladder augmentation in a rabbit model. Tissue engineering Part A, 19(1-2):264-276, 2013. (Article, Co-first author, IF= 4.08)
Bharadwaj S#, Liu G#, Shi Y, Wu R, Yang B, He T, Fan Y, Lu X, Zhou X, Liu H, Atala A, Rohozinski J, Zhang Y*. Multipotential differentiation of human urine-derived stem cells: potential for therapeutic applications in urology. Stem cells, 31(9):1840-1856, 2013. (Article, IF= 5.845)
Yang B, Zheng JH, Zhang YY*. Myogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells for muscle regeneration in urinary tract. Chinese medical journal, 126(15):2952-2959, 2013. (Invited Review, IF= 6.133)
Guo C#, Yang B#, Gu W, Peng B, Xia S, Yang F, Wen D, Geng J, Zhang Y, Zheng J*. Intravesical resiniferatoxin for the treatment of storage lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with either interstitial cystitis or detrusor overactivity: a meta-analysis. PLoS One, 8(12):e82591,2013. (Meta-analysis Article, Co-first author, IF=3.752)
Yang B, Zhou L, Peng B, Dai Y, Zheng J*. Stem cells in a tissue-engineered human airway. Lancet, 379(9825):1487, 2012. (Correspondence, IF= 202.731).
Yang B#, Gu W#, Peng B*, Xu Y, Liu M, Che J, Geng J, Zheng J*. High level of circulating endothelial progenitor cells positively correlates with serum vascular endothelial growth factor in patients with renal cell carcinoma. The Journal of urology, 188(6):2055-2061, 2012. (Article, IF=7.6).
Yang B, Peng B, Zheng J*. Cell-based tissue-engineered urethras. Lancet, 378(9791):568-569, 2011. (Correspondence, IF= 202.731).
Zhang YF, Guan YB, Yang B, Wu HY, Dai YT, Zhang SJ, Wang JP, Anoopkumar-Dukie S, Davey AK, Sun ZY*. Prognostic value of Her-2/neu and clinicopathologic factors for evaluating progression and disease-specific death in Chinese men with prostate cancer. Chinese medical journal, 124(24):4345-4349, 2011. (Article, IF=6.133).
Yang B, Zhou L, Sun Z, Yang R, Chen Y, Dai Y*. In vitro evaluation of the bioactive factors preserved in porcine small intestinal submucosa through cellular biological approaches. Journal of biomedical materials research Part A, 93(3):1100-1109, 2010. (Article, IF= 4.854).
Yang B, Zhang Y, Zhou L, Sun Z, Zheng J, Chen Y, Dai Y*. Development of a porcine bladder acellular matrix with well-preserved extracellular bioactive factors for tissue engineering. Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods, 16(5):1201-1211, 2010. (Article, IF=3.273).
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周六化,杨斌,夏佳东,王鹏基,陈赟,戴玉田. CM-DiI标记兔外周血平滑肌祖细胞可行性分析. 南京大学学报(自然科学). 2014, 50(1):1-8.
周六化,杨斌,王鹏基,夏佳东,章宜芬,陈赟,戴玉田. 异源性膀胱脱细胞基质移植修复兔膀胱缺损的局部和全身安全性评价. 中国修复重建外科杂志. 2013, 27(8):935-944.
郑军华*,顾闻宇,杨斌. 肿瘤新生血管抑制在前列腺癌治疗中的研究进展. 上海医学, 35(5):363-366, 2012.
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杨斌,孙则禹,兰厚金,朱伟东,戴玉田*.从膀胱癌患者分离并培养人膀胱平滑肌细胞. 临床泌尿外科杂志, 25(4):299-302, 2010.
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