Diabetes Retinopathy, Macular Disease, Ophthalmic Imaging
眼科副主任医师,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏副教授。为上海市免疫学会眼免疫专业委员、上海市中西医结合眼科专委会眼底病学组秘书、上海市中西医结合眼科专委会眼表组委员、第十一届上海市医学会眼科分会视觉康复学组成员、上海市中医药学会第二届中医基础学分会委员 、上海市杨浦区劳动能力鉴定医疗卫生专家库成员。
Associate chief physician of ophthalmology, associate professor at Tongji University. Member of the Eye Immunology Professional Committee of SSI, Member of Ophthalmology Special Committee of SACIM , Member of the Visual Rehabilitation Group of the 11th SMA Ophthalmology Branch, Member of the 2nd Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine Branch of SACM,etc..
主持国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、上海市优秀青年医师培养计划、上海市杨浦区好医师培养计划(眼底病学科带头人)、校级区级院级等各类科研项目及人才计划14项。第一或通讯作者发表论文30余篇,其中SCI 14篇。提交专利申请6项,其中授权实用新型专利2项。第三主编参与编写专著1部。
Received supporting of 14 scientific research projects and talent plans, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, the Shanghai Excellent Young Physician Training Program, the Yangpu District Good Physician Training Program (retinal diseases) and other programs. Published over 30 papers, including 14 SCI papers. Submit 6 patent applications, including 2 authorized utility model patents. Participated in one monograph as the third editor.