Focused on clinical and translational research of precision medicine of lung cancer,the whole course management of lung cancer targeted/immunotherapy and the optimization of treatment strategies.
5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属上海市东方医院 肿瘤科 副主任医师、副教授
国际肺癌研究协会(IASLC)全球多学科标准实践委员会 委员
中国抗癌协会青年理事会 青年理事
中国医促会胸部肿瘤学分会 委员
中国初级保健基金会肺癌专业委员会 秘书
上海市抗癌协会青年理事会 青年理事
上海市科普志愿者协会肿瘤健康管理与科普专委会 常务委员
《中国癌症杂志》 青年编委
Associate chief physician, Associate Professor, Department of Medical Oncology, Shanghai East Hospital affiliated to Tongji University;
IASLC Global Multidisciplinary Practice Standards Committee Member
Youth Council Member of China Anti-Cancer Association
Member of Thoracic Oncology Branch of China Medical Promotion Association
Secretary of Lung Cancer Committee, China Primary Health Care Foundation
Youth Council Member of Shanghai Anti-Cancer Association
Standing member of Cancer Health Management and science Popularization Committee of Shanghai Science Popularization Volunteers Association
Editorial board member of Chinese Journal of Cancer
获得上海市科委“扬帆计划”、上海市“医苑新星”青年医学人才培养计划、CSCO“35 under 35”“最具潜力青年肿瘤医师” 、“科研达人奖”、2017 WCLC Developing Nation Award。作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金面上项目、上海市卫计委等项目7项;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论40余篇,包括Lancet Oncol, J Thorac Oncol, J Immunother Cancer, Cell Mol Immunol, Exp Hematol Oncol, ESMO Open, Euro J Cancer等肿瘤领域专业杂志,担任Ann Oncol, Med, Euro J Cancer, Cancer commun, ESMO Open, Drug Resistance Updates等杂志审稿人。作为参与者获得上海市科技进步一等奖、上海抗癌科技二等奖。
He got a series of grants sponsored by Shanghai Sailing Program, Shanghai "Rising Stars of Medical Talent" Youth Development Program, CSCO "35 under 35" "Most Potential Young Oncologist", "Scientific Research Talent Award", 2017 WCLC Developing Nation Award, NSFC Youth Project, Shanghai Natural Science Foundation, and the Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission. He has published more than 40 peer-reviewed SCI papers as the first or corresponding author, including Lancet Oncol, J Thorac Oncol, J Immunother Cancer, Cell Mol Immunol, Exp Hematol Oncol, ESMO Open, Euro J Cancer. He also served as a reviewer for journals such as Ann Oncol, Med, Euro J Cancer, Cancer commun, ESMO Open, Drug Resistance Updates et al. He also has received a series of honors of the first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award and the second prize of Shanghai Anticancer Science and Technology Award as a participant.