何璐薇博士作为项目负责人主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目,国家自然科学基金青年项目及5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属杨浦医院引进人才科研启动项目。研究成果在Cancer Communications,Cell Death and Disease,Cancer Science,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,The Journal of Biological Chemistry等高质量期刊上发表,SCI收录论文10余篇。
Dr. Luwei He presided over the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project, the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project and the talent Introduction research start-up project of Yangpu Hospital, Tongji University. Researches has been published in Cancer Communications, Cell Death and Disease, Cancer Science, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, The Journal of Biological Chemistry and other high-quality journals. More than 10 papers were included by SCI.
科研项目/ Fundings:
(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,32200623,胆固醇合成酶通过PDI介导的UPR调控结直肠癌进展的研究,2023-01 至 2025-12,主持
(2)中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,2018M642088,BRAF新突变在大肠癌发生及靶向治疗中的作用机制研究,2018-11 至 2021-07,主持
(3)5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属杨浦医院引进人才科研启动项目,2018-07 至 2021-07,主持
代表性论文/ Representative papers:
(1)Lin Kang, Zhao Yun, Tang Yuqi, Chen Ying, Lin Moubin*, He Luwei*. Collagen I-induced VCAN/ERK signaling and PARP1/ZEB1-mediated metastasis facilitate OSBPL2 defect to promote colorectal cancer progression. Cell Death and Disease. 2024, 15(1):85
(2)He Luwei*; Li Huaguang; Pan Chenyu; Hua Yutong; Peng Jiayin; Zhou Zhaocai; Zhao Yun*; Lin Moubin*; Squalene epoxidase promotes colorectal cancer cell proliferation through accumulating calcitriol and activating CYP24A1-mediated MAPK signaling, Cancer Communications, 2021, 41(8): 726-746
(3)Jiang Huihong; Tang Erjiang; Chen Ying; Liu Hailong; Zhao Yun*; Lin Moubin*; He Luwei*; Squalene synthase predicts poor prognosis in stage I-III colon adenocarcinoma and synergizes squalene epoxidase to promote tumor progression, Cancer Science, 2021, 113(3): 971-985
(4)He Luwei; Han Junjie; Li Baowei; Huang Li; Ma Ke; Chen Quan; Liu Xinzhong; Bao Li; Liu Hongwei*; Identification of a new cyathane diterpene that induces mitochondrial and autophagy-dependent apoptosis and shows a potent in vivo anti-colorectal cancer activity, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 111: 183-192
(5)Huang Li; Han Junjie; Ben-Hail Danya; He Luwei; Li Baowei; Chen Ziheng; Wang Yueying; Yang Yanlei; Liu Lei; Zhu Yushan; Shoshan-Barmatz Varda; Liu Hongwei; Chen Quan*; A New Fungal Diterpene Induces VDAC1-dependent Apoptosis in Bax/Bak-deficient Cells, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2015, 290(39): 23563-23578