上海市医学会麻醉学分会青年委员会 副主任委员
上海神经科学学会 理事
上海市神经科学学会麻醉与脑科学分会 秘书长
上海市医学伦理学会 理事
上海市医院协会临床研究管理专业委员会 委员
Deputy Chair of the Youth Committee of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association
Director of the Shanghai Society for Neuroscience
Secretary-General of the Anesthesia and Brain Science Branch of the Shanghai Neuroscience Society
Member of the Youth Innovation Committee of the Shanghai Neuroscience Society
Director of the Shanghai Society of Medical Ethics
Member of the Professional Committee of Clinical Research Management of the Shanghai Hospital Association
田莉, 现任5848vip威尼斯电子游戏附属上海市第四人民医院科研部部长,上海市麻醉与脑功能调控重点实验室副主任,5848vip威尼斯电子游戏青百A岗特聘教授,博士生导师,麻醉与围术期医学科副主任医师。
作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金、科技部重点研发课题等省部级以上项目10项,研究成果已在包括 InfoMat,Adv Sci, BJA等学术期刊发表SCI论文36篇。授权国内专利6项,主编参编各类学术专著5部。
Dr. Li Tian currently presides as the Director of the Research Department at the Shanghai Fourth People's Hospital, an esteemed affiliate of Tongji University. She concurrently holds the position of Deputy Director at the Key Laboratory of Anesthesia and Brain Function Regulation in Shanghai. In the academic realm, she is lauded as a Distinguished Professor at the Tongji University, guiding doctoral students and serving as an Associate Chief Physician in the domain of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine.
Inaugurating an academic portfolio, she serves as the Deputy Chair of the Youth Committee of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association and as the Secretary-General of the Anesthesia and Brain Science Branch of the Shanghai Neuroscience Society.
Her remarkable strides in her field has garnered numerous accolades including the National Excellent Young Scientist, Shanghai Talent Development Fund, Shanghai Rising Star of Youth Science and Technology, Ministry of Education's Young Backbone Teacher of Higher Education Institutions, and Outstanding Young Anesthesiologist by the Anesthesia Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, to name a few.She was awarded as the "Shuguang Scholar of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission" for her outstanding contributions.
Leading national-level projects funded by the Natural Science Foundation, her research contributions comprise ten provincial projects and 36 SCI papers published in reputable academic journals such as InfoMat, Adv Sci, BJA, and more. Additionally, her innovative endeavors have been substantiated by six domestic patent authorizations and she has contributed to the compilation and translation of five academic monographs.