Affiliated Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital of Tongji University, Department of Occupational Therapy, Head Therapist
Affiliated Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital of Tongji University, Department of Neuromodulation, Head
白钟飞于2022年在香港理工大学获博士(PhD)学位,长期从事脑卒中康复的临床与科研工作,2020年入选上海市“扬帆计划”人才培养项目。一作或通讯在Gen Psychiatr, J Neuroeng Rehabi期刊发表SCI 19篇,单篇最高被引161次(入选J Neuroeng Rehabi 2022年度主编推荐,全年仅12篇入围)。还以第一和第二完成人获中国康复医学会科技三等奖各一项(2023,2022),第二完成人获上海市康复医学科技奖三等奖一项(2019)。主持上海市科学技术委员会(省部级,2项)、上海市卫健委、上海市体育局、上海市残疾人联合会、5848vip威尼斯电子游戏等单位资助的科研项目8项,已结题5项。
Bai Zhongfei received his PhD from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2022. He has been engaged in clinical and scientific research work in stroke rehabilitation for a long time. In 2020, he was selected for the talent project of Shanghai's " Sailing Scheme". He has published 19 SCI articles in Gen Psychiatr and J Neuroeng Rehabi as the first author or corresponding author, with the highest number of citations of a single article being 161 times (selected as the editor-in-chief recommendation of J Neuroeng Rehabi in 2022, with only 12 articles shortlisted throughout the year). He also won the third prize of the Chinese Rehabilitation Medicine Association Science and Technology Award as the first and second finisher (2023, 2022), and the third prize of the Shanghai Rehabilitation Medicine Science and Technology Award as the second finisher (2019). He has been granted over eight research projects funded by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (provincial and ministerial level, 2 projects), Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, Shanghai Administration of Sports, Shanghai Disabled Persons' Federation, Tongji University and other units, and five projects have been completed.